Lotus Consulting, LLC

Cynthia Montalbano



Cynthia Montalbano

Certified High Conflict Divorce and Custody Coach, Florida, United States

Phone - 407-625-5625

Address - Orlando, Florida, USA

Website - www.lotusdivorceconsulting.com

Overview and Experience

Are you struggling to navigate the treacherous waters of family court? Are you being accused of Parental Alienation Syndrome, gatekeeping, enmeshment or any other "junk science?" Are you experiencing post separation abuse at the hands of your relentless and vengeful ex? Are you struggling to accept that 50/50 custody is in the best interests of your child? Are you being forced to send your child with a parent who is mentally, emotionally, financially, psychologically, physically, verbally or sexually abusive? Divorce and custody cases are hard enough as it is without the added stress of having to face a high conflict counterpart in court. At Lotus Consulting, I will work with you to remove the uncertainty and gain confidence in your journey. With 24/7 email support and scheduled phone sessions for clients anywhere in the United States, you get the help that you need, on your time. What are you waiting for? The first day of your new life begins today!

Hours of Operation: 24/7