The Role of Compassion in Your High Conflict Divorce

Narcissists & other high conflict individuals use compassion against you. But compassion is a key component in maintaining your sanity throughout a high conflict divorce. Here’s what you need to know:

Certified High Conflict Divorce Coaches understand the dynamics of narcissistic and other forms of relational abuse. Because of this, they “get” how triggering the concept of compassion can be.

Narcissists Use Compassion Against You

Narcissists often exploit compassionate individuals, making the survivor question whether they are “too” compassionate. The gaslighting and other forms of psychological torture used on the survivor can make compassion feel complex and even morally wrong. Especially when the narcissist has used the survivor’s compassion to escape accountability in the family, or even criminal behavior.

The Important Role of Compassion

During the high conflict divorce process where post separation abuse is heightened, stress, anxiety, fear, and their ensuing physical manifestations can be debilitating for many victims of narcissistic abuse. 

As such, it’s essential for survivors to practice immense compassion for self. Our certified high conflict divorce coaches can help you learn or re-learn how to develop and practice self-compassion. Connect with one of our coaches today.

Practicing Self-Compassion!

If you’re currently on the battlefield, please take a moment today to care for yourself. The role of compassion for self while divorcing a narcissist cannot be overstated. Consider taking a moment for mindful breathing, stretching, or resting. You deserve it.


“I Can’t Do This Anymore!” A Lifesaver For Victims of Narcissistic Abuse


How Do I Survive Divorcing a Narcissist?